In outlining software programs, this is accomplished by “collapsing” and “expanding” subsections of your outline. If you need to rearrange the order of your witnesses because of travel problems or the changing nature of the case, then the sub?outlines of your case can be moved by the touch of a key. It is not necessary to cut and paste, but merely move the witness notes, which can include direct and cross-examination, to the new location. Many attorneys rave about the benefits of outlining programs because they work like a lawyer “thinks”. It enables you to “outline” your case in the same fashion as a trial notebook.

Also see Chapter 6, Desktop Interfaces, Outliners, Integrators and Menuing Systems.

Integrators perform similar functions as an outliner, but integrate the different application programs primarily using icons to represent different programs or functions. For example, an integration program may have an ICON for Witness A’s testimony. After pressing the ICON, a full text program containing the wittiness’s testimony would open. Another ICON may launch Microsoft Excel to determine damages in your case.

However, one major pitfall of many front-end integration programs is mandating to the attorney how to set up his trial notebook. They “tell” the attorney how to set up his notebook by designing the software interface to reflect the designer’s belief on how the notebook should look. The fallacy in their approach is that all attorneys approach and organize their notebooks differently. The front end user interface for the attorney must enable him to easily design the interface himself. Some outlining programs and integrators are starting to permit this capability, but we are a significant way from achieving this goal.

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Using HTML to create a Digital Trial Notebook.

One recent major development that holds substantial promise for the front-end integration protocol is the use of HTML programming language. HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is used extensively in the World Wide Web pages of the Internet. It basically enables the user to create a text document and link a word, letter, image or video to another document, application, video, etc. As your HTML trial notebook is developed, one can link a phrase such as “Deposition of Jane Smith” to her actual deposition, or a description such as “Photos of plaintiff in the hospital” to actual scanned in photos of the plaintiff.

HTML is one of the most programmed languages in the world today. The standard is relatively open, and major corporations such as Microsoft and Sun Microsystems are rushing to upgrade the programming language to be able to link and show video, sound, graphics and other multimedia information. This bolds extremely well for the legal profession since our legal and factual information is in all forms - video, text, graphics, and so on. It is not difficult to conceive that a browser, such an Internet Explorer™ would be the front-end “outliner” tool with links to both your “Intranet” and “Internet” and trial notebook.

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Such a tool would enable one to link and access all the case information on your network, but also would have links to information anywhere in the world on the Internet. Above is an example of an HTML trial notebook with a hypertext link to the deposition of Ann Green. One could “construct” a HTML trial notebook with appropriate links to other case information.